Review: ‘1990’ by Blacklite District

Music is an escape for a lot of folks like me, like you, and like Blacklite District. Born from trials and tribulations of every day life, addictions, heartbreaks, Mental of Physical ailments, we all need ways to cope with these and as mentioned, it’s Music for many.

1990 by Blacklite District is a raw telling of a man’s journey through life and his ever growing perspective of how things were and will be. Raw vocal work and precise instrumentation create a foundation of hard rock goodness while the real show has become the lyrics that create 10 tracks of unique storytelling and insight. 

Kyle Pfieffer, is the whole of Blacklite District when it comes to what the direction and sound is. While rotating musicians all his life it seems this experience and constant passion for researching what makes a hit and a true song has lead him down dark alleyways and bright fields of life. 

Reading the bio on Blacklite’s official site is a very inspiring journey and cold truth of how PTSD comes in many forms and isn’t just exclusive to just one tragedy. 

Let’s talk a bit about 1990, the latest release from Kyle & Blacklite District! As a Rock & Metal fan of the late 90s and early 2000s, this album hits all the right spots of nostalgic riffs for me but twists what i knew into a culmination of sounds that are entirely their own.

________________________________Track Insight:______________________________________

This is Where it Ends – Usually i’ll pick out specific tracks and as the format goes, this is one of them and you can also try this out. My body sank into my chair as i turned this song up and had all my previous trauma’s and pains and struggles brought to the forefront of my mind. I also felt a certain comfort in the words and the heavy riffs that only music can create and speak to the listener. 

I’ve done and said many things I regret, any thoughtful person will have these past demons surface and the strong willed to overcome them will confront them for the hundredth time to tell them, “This Is Where It Ends!”

While Regret is a powerful weapon and often a tool in the arsenal of Resistance, Overcoming to create or find a light on the side is a very attainable goal. So thank you Blacklite Disctrict for giving me a track that speaks to me and to others who wants to overcome and not be defined by the negative in our lives.


Gotta Get Outta Here – Leading single with a chaotic music video, Gotta Get Outta Here is the melodic driving force and introduction to an amazing album. To this humble writer and listener, this song talks about the self awareness of how bad a situation is and riding it out as you have that anxiety build to a crescendo until you finally remove yourself from the chaos. 

Clean production really shines through on the bass lows and way the drums pound my reference monitors. I really nerd out over these details on songs because in a live setting of music, the drums or bass hits will define whether you truly are paying attention or not to what is being presented. 


Thank You – Loyalty is a beautiful thing in this world. With relationships being so fragile and the balance of your needs vs the needs of others, it’s a huge comfort having that one constant in your life. Be it a child, Significant Other, parent, Friend, It should never be taken for Granted. 

The tone in a overall dark album, Thank You is a song that ends things on a more wholesome and positive note. While the journey was full of self perspective, Thank You is about sharing a message of gratitude to the people who listened and provided support in one or another. 

The takeaway from this track is simple. Thank someone for allowing you to express your thoughts and who took time out of their lives to give to you. For me, I will always be grateful for the people who let me get crazy thoughts out or let me cry if i ever needed to do so. 

Yet again another perspective of why i do what i do, Sharing Music That Matters!


Clear Skies – This song has a very truthful tone as it shares a story of seeing a parent go through addiction and selfish choices that really messed their child up. On the flipside for those who can relate, as you grow older and live your own life you can look back and understand why things were the way they are, Looks like clear skies on that perspective to me. 

With a catchy sound and melody, Clear Skies rings a heartfelt and relatable message and a reminder that yet again, our actions not only affect ourselves, but those around us. So be mindful and find a way through those barriers that hold you back. Atleast that’s the message i gathered from this song and this album. 

I wish i could say i was more of a reviewer, but i’m here for my own feelings and passion for music and i think Blacklite District get’s that because in the end, it does help one soul relate to another in a world that can often bring us down. Thanks for reading and i hope y’all share the music that matters to you!

________________________________Final Thoughts:______________________________________

So here we are at the end of an amazing album that tells the trials and tribulations of one man and his determination to overcome any obstacles placed in his path. Anxiety, Depression, Addiction are but a few of the obstacles all of us can face at any point in our lives, so it’s always important to push forward and work on a better tomorrow. 

Blacklite District has been a mainstay on billboard charts throughout the years and 1990 will no doubt find it’s special place on those respective charts and give a message to another wondering soul out there who needs to know they aren’t alone in their trauma’s and journey’s to a better life. 

Definitely one of my top picks for 2021 and i hope y’all find some wonderful messages within each track on this album! 

For more information on Blacklite District, please visit the following links:

About James

Yo! My name is James and I love talking and writing about Music! I look for the positive things from the music I choose to write about. I don't apologize for this and hope you find music that Matters to you!

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