Mawule – Chosen [Review]

Mawule Sunrise

This time on Contrast CTRL we consider the electronic/RnB side of life through the talents of Mawule, Ghana-born and now based out of Denver, CO, Mawule is a rising star in his own right and implements the true staples of RnB and Electronics is a elegant fashion. 

To get things started, here is a quote from the man himself on what this album means to him and what it could mean for others: My premise for the Chosen LP was to encourage fans to reflect on their unique position as a self-determining agent responsible for the authenticity of his or her choices. I am a reflective person, always thinking about my impact in the world” – Mawule 

Simple – The first track off of Chosen, Simple is a straight bass drop vocal track that sets the atmosphere and attack we can expect from this project. Most notably are how the bass lows don’t collide with the rest of the production thus giving a complete sound to what Mawule is wanting to accomplish. 

Lyrically Simple is about appreciating our position in life and making the most out of things and not complicating the daily process. Surely a message we all need to slow down and enjoy the Simple things. 

Anything – This is a quintessential RnB track of a man telling his woman that what she sees is what she gets. So we can’t promise anyone the world but we can promise the best of us. Working with DJ Zenas, Anything is a stand out track that features minimal instrumentation and bass lows that create this one on one conversational atmosphere. 

Taking another quote from Mawule regarding Chosen: With this in mind, I wanted to release a collection of records that would give listeners insight into who I am and the values for which I stand. Every song on my Chosen LP will have a personal message to which listeners can easily relate. My life experiences and the interaction of my intersecting identities shaped the songs I wrote and selected for this album.” – Mawule 

Get Your NameMawule approaches this song as a at first sight scenario. “Can I get your name? Girl I like your game” with lyrics like that it’s pretty obvious this girl captured his attention.  

With heavy use of electronics, Get Your Name is that club dance track you want on the playlist that provides the beats. 

Fall For Me – More of a trap style with the minimal beats but hard impact on bass, Fall For Me is presented with robotic textures and Mawule sporting the message of wanting someone to fall in love. A song like this I don’t think anyone can see a issue with that message ringing loud and true. 

Working with another Denver, CO artist Jerney, who provides the swag and on time bars, Fall For Me is that great mix of hip hop and RnB that has been a staple in the worldwide music scene and executed amazingly on this song. 

End of Review Comment:

Chosen is a collection of 9 promising songs that present a deeper message than most think. Taken from Mawule himself, he wants to impact lives, create musical landscapes and fun dance tracks that will only brighten the world and not darken it. 

To wrap up we’ll let Mawule give you the closing lines: Nina Simone once said, “An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times“. This very statement reflects what I try to accomplish with Chosen. Chosen is a reflection. Chosen is about empowerment. Chosen is my responsibility.” – Mawule 

For more on Mawule, please visit the following links: 

Personal Favorite Tracks: Fall For Me, Simple, Anything, Live Again, A Wish, Get Your Name. 


Written by James West 6-15-2016 


About James

Yo! My name is James and I love talking and writing about Music! I look for the positive things from the music I choose to write about. I don't apologize for this and hope you find music that Matters to you!

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